Turf Services
Aronica Plant Healthcare offers both Conventional and Organic management of your turf.
Our lawn renovation program begins with a soil analysis, and is followed by core aeration and if needed, removal of any excess thatch from your lawn. Next, we seed your new lawn with our custom blend site appropriate seed mixed with compost for micro and macro nutrient restoration. After your lawn renovation we consult with you on the cultural practices such as irrigation, mowing heights and mowing patterns that contribute to the overall success of your lawn.
We offer both conventional and organic fertilizer treatments custom tailored to your turf's needs.
After a period of time (four to five years) your turf gets "tired"; meaning its reproduction slows down and the thinning grass allows weeds to multiply easily. From the soil test results we amend your soil with its needed nutrients, and/or top dress with compost and then overseed with a custom blend of seed perfect for your site conditions.
This process removes plugs of soil and helps to break up compaction by allowing air and water to move into the soil which also benefits your turf's roots. After aerating your lawn we top dress with compost which helps increase your soils nutrition, adds biological diversity and will over time help improve the overall structure of your soil.
Our professional specialists are available to consult with you on your turf's vital needs such as nutrition, soil, irrigation practices as well as any diagnose insect and disease problems present.