
Category: Uncategorized

Tree Trimming Tips

Part of maintaining the health the trees in your yard involves trimming those trees. While forest trees get by with only nature’s pruning, your landscape trees will require a higher level of care to maintain their health, structural integrity, and aesthetics. While pruning is necessary, improper pruning can cause lasting damage so tree trimming and… Read more »

Inchworm Infestations

Inchworms serve as food to many bird species, and most trees and plant life can survive minimal inchworm feeding. However, when inchworm populations grow to the level of an infestation, they can become a destructive pest causing damage to vegetable crops, ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. Inchworms lay their eggs in both fall and spring,… Read more »

Tick and Mosquito safety

Warmer weather and blooming flowers mean you’re spending more time outdoors. But while you’re out enjoying the weather, so are ticks and mosquitoes, and they’re hungry! Not only are these pests annoying, but they can also carry potentially deadly diseases so it’s important to get them under control as soon as possible.  Ticks are found… Read more »

It’s Almost Spring!

You heard that right! Despite the late-season cold, spring is just around the corner. It’s time to grab your tools and get some dirt under your nails! To help you get a leg up on the work, here is your spring gardening checklist: 1. Time to Trim: Prune back winter-killed branches to make room for… Read more »

How to Ready Your Property for Spring

Yes, you heard right, it’s time to start talking about spring! While official spring doesn’t start until March 20, there’s a lot to do before then to make sure that your property is looking its best. Here’s some things you can do now so that you’re ready when it’s time to get outside. How to… Read more »

Protecting Trees and Shrubs From Arctic Blasts

We had a warm early winter, but we all knew it couldn’t last. Arctic blasts are coming and we’ll likely have frigid temps on and off until spring. With so much freezing and thawing your plants may need a little help to get through the winter unscathed. The main issue that causes winter damage to… Read more »

How Should I Mulch My Leaves?

Leaves are piling up outside and for many, it’s time to pull out the rake and blower and start bagging leaves to be taken away. Consider, however, that mulching your leaves back into your lawn can help enhance the soil and the effectiveness of your lawn fertilizer. While leaving whole leaves on your lawn can… Read more »

Fall Tree Spraying

Believe it or not, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that’s just one sign that it’s the ideal time to start thinking about a preventative spraying program for fruit and other trees! In particular, Peach Leaf Curl and Shot Hole Fungus can be prevented with a disease control application, while aphids, scale, spider mites,… Read more »

Ticks vs. Chiggers

The weather is cooling and it’s perfect for spending time outdoors. Unfortunately, for many people, this will mean dealing with bites and the allergic reaction that comes along with them.  People who have been outdoors in grassy areas may report instances of hundreds of red, itchy bites around the ankles, lower legs, or groin and… Read more »

West Nile Mosquitoes

The West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease spread by the bite of an infected mosquito or, rarely, due to blood transfusion. Mosquitoes generally become infected after biting birds infected with West Nile and then spreading the virus to humans. While most people infected with West Nile Virus (WNV) do not experience any symptoms, many… Read more »